Boys Need Support from Women

boys with mom

Feminism is changing. According to a 2020 poll, about 68% of women under thirty say they are feminists. They want equal rights as men. They want equality for themselves in all areas, but how could this be a good goal when men and women have different needs? 40% of women believe that feminism is dividing. In addition, this movement solely represents women’s wants and needs. This can easily steer attention away from other injustices. One of the biggest issues right now it the boy crisis and women are affected by this too. Boys need support to be able to make greater changes. 

First, Warren Farrel wrote The Boy Crisis which goes into depth of how our young men are being left behind. This is an issue that begins in our homes and affects the lives of everyone. Statistics show how this hurts boys’ success in school and in life:

  • 41 percent of girls are proficient in writing by the eighth grade, compared to just 20 percent of boys
  • Men now earn 39 percent of college degrees while the average annual earnings of a man with a high-school diploma have dropped 26 percent in the past 40 years
  •  Fifteen- to 19-year-old boys commit suicide at four times the rate of girls
  • Ninety-three percent of those in prison are men

Robert Woodson, a civil-rights activist and community-development leader says, “If you devalue your life, you’ll either take your own, or you’ll take someone else’s.” 

Next, the National Organization for Women was pushing custody laws that favored mothers around 1972-73. Warren Farrell, who served on the board of this organization, argued that children are the priority do better with both parents. Although NOW’s board members were supportive, they felt that weaken its political base would be hurtful in its ability to support women. Sometimes groups advocate for issues at the cost of others. For example, NOW representing women sometimes at the cost of men and families.

Lastly, whatever affects the family has an impact on women too. Our boys in crisis are likely to become men who struggle with addiction and mental health issues. It is not fair for women to choose a husband among these men or have to raise a child on their own because of this. Feminism is changing. First-wave feminists know the importance of individual rights and the family. Women and men working together is what’s required to address the boy crisis with the same energy as first-wave feminism.

In conclusion, women’s support in the boy crisis would be a good step forward. It isn’t only boys and men who are affected by this issue. Therefore, boys’ issues have not been put first and that’s what is causing them to fall behind in every area. They could be more successful with everyone’s support.

Hafera, Brenda. “Ladies, It's Time to Help Our Boys.” The Heritage Foundation,

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