By Legal Reader, 04/27/2023 “…The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention reports almost four times more males than females die of suicide. It is a little-known fact that being male is the most significant suicide factor…” Read the entire article:
Author: Boys Int
Boys are struggling in schools. Maybe the one-size-fits-all education system is the problem
By Shanxi Omoniyi – Read Lion, 05/05/2023 “…One common challenge for boys involves their energetic behavior. They receive a disproportionally higher number of punishments for perceived inattention and hyperactivity, according to a report from the American Psychological Association…” Read the entire article:–
HPV Vaccines Don’t Just Prevent Cervical Cancer, But Also Penile, Anal Cancers. Men Should Get it Too.
By The Swaddle, 03/29/2023 “…With research suggesting that HIV-positive men, who are in sexual relationships with other men, are especially vulnerable to anal cancers caused by HPV, vaccinating men becomes even more critical. “Women can at least be screened for cervical cancer… But for men, there is no screening for anal cancer, or the other READ MORE
We’re Failing Our Boys and Young Men
By AMAC, 04/11/2023 “…But he challenged me to peer into any special education class and the detention room after school. Sure enough. Nearly all boys, and this had been the norm for years. Fast forward to 2023. Putting high school behind us, let’s view two other institutions—colleges and prisons…” Read the entire article:
We’re Failing Our Boys and Young Men
By AMAC, 04/11/2023 “…But he challenged me to peer into any special education class and the detention room after school. Sure enough. Nearly all boys, and this had been the norm for years. Fast forward to 2023. Putting high school behind us, let’s view two other institutions—colleges and prisons…” Read the entire article:
We’re Missing A Major Mental Health Crisis: Teen Boys Are Struggling, Too
By Washington Post, 04/14/2023 “…The CDC’s 2021 National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) showed a massive increase in male suicide among teens and young men. From 2020 to 2021, suicide rates for males rose significantly, according to the CDC, with the largest increase among males ages 15 to 24…” Read the entire article:
Study finds disparate gender differences in victims of child sex trafficking
By, 04/11/2023 “…Seventy-five percent were males and 25 percent were females. The most commonly incarcerated youth were white males (29.4 percent), about 16 years old, followed by black (26.8 percent) and Hispanic (24.7 percent) males…” Read the entire article:
‘It takes a village to raise a child’: Dlalisa Moyeni Foundation mentoring boys through football and education
By Iol, 03/12/2023 “… A former player himself, Skosana believes football provides the necessary skills and mental aptitude which arms a young man for the demands of life, school and financial literacy if they are to succeed in their football careers…” Read the entire article:
Boys to MENtor: Local school teaching life skills
By WNCT, 03/10/2023 “…Twice a month, students at Eastern Elementary School gather for their Boys to MENtor program, a group that teaches fifth-grade boys life skills. On Friday, the group gathered at Bateeni Mediterranean Grill to learn about cooking and food safety…” Read the entire article:
Covid infection during pregnancy may raise risk of autism in baby boys, says study
By Express, 03/27/2023 “…Research found male babies whose mothers had COVID-19 during pregnancy risked having a neurodevelopmental diagnosis…” Read the entire article: