Edward Stephens, MD
Dr. Edward M. Stephens is an internationally-recognized physician and psychiatrist. While in private practice for over a half-century, he has helped countless men and women, and produced a stream of programs about men, women and families, including The Paternal Instinct, Paternal Grief Syndrome, After Divorce: Fathers, Mothers and the Law, and Shattering Fictions and Myths in Divorce.
He has turned to questions of The Decline of Males (Lionel Tiger) and Why Men Die First (Maryanne Legato), Why Boys Fail (Peg Tyre), and an intense awareness that men and boys have become “the neglected other half of gender” according to the World Bank. With no presence of male studies in higher education, and falling prospects globally to the detriment of all, Dr. Stephens saw the need to create an educational initiative that would be a-political, rigorous and inclusive.
Dr. Stephens has organized and held acclaimed conferences including The Future of Men, presented by the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development, and Robert M. Wagner Graduate School of Public Health at New York University, as well as The Science of the Male, presented at the New York Academy of Medicine.
Today, Male Studies, A New Academic Discipline and The Foundation for Male Studies, which he founded, support these efforts.
Dr. Stephens is a Life Member of the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association, and is a member of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and currently continues to help patients at Montefiore Hospital in Mount Vernon, New York.