What Does the Data Say About Why Boys and Men Are Struggling?

By WNYC Studios, 02/03/2023 “…Rates of death by suicide and drug overdose for men in the US are spiking, boys are falling behind in the education system, and men’s participation in the labor market is dropping…” Read the entire article: https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/segments/what-data-says-boys-men-struggling-on-the-media

Thousands of New York kids are missing from school. Where did they go?

By Times Union, 02/03/2023 “…The practice, called “redshirting,” is more common with boys. One argument for it is that younger boys would be physically at a disadvantage when playing competitive sports. But Dodd was more worried about his independence…” Read the entire article: https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/thousands-new-york-kids-missing-school-17772103.php

The mind-blowing stats on male inequality

By Big Think “…Boys and men are falling behind. This might seem surprising to some people — and maybe ridiculous to others — considering that discussions on gender disparities tend to focus on the structural challenges faced by girls and women, not boys and men…” Read the entire article: https://bigthink.com/series/the-big-think-interview/male-inequality/

Push for more male teachers fails to increase numbers

By NHS, 01/16/2023 “…Education experts said boys and girls benefit from more male teachers in schools because they were less likely to have stereotypical views about traditional gender roles, but recruiting men into a female-dominated field where teacher pay tops out after about 10 years is difficult…” Read the entire article: https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/push-for-more-male-teachers-fails-to-increase-numbers-20230109-p5cbd6.html

Boys are graded more harshly than girls. Why?

By Big Think, 01/04/2023 “…According to a 2018 Brookings Institution report, about 88% of American girls graduated high school on time, compared with 82% of boys. In 2020, six out of ten college students were women. Once on campus, they graduate at higher rates, receiving more associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in the process…” READ MORE

The case for a Commission on Boys and Men: Will Washington state lead the way?

By Brookings, 01/13/2023 “…Many boys and men are struggling. There is a strong case for government institutions that focus on the issues that are disproportionately impacting boys and men, and which can be usefully considered through a gender-specific lens…” Read the entire article: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2023/01/13/the-case-for-a-commission-on-boys-and-men-will-washington-state-lead-the-way/

Voices for Boys and Men

By Richard Reeves, 11/28/2022 “…That gap persists at GCSEs and A-levels. Young women are more likely to apply to university than young men. Those young men who apply are more likely to drop out and those who complete their courses are less likely to get a good degree. The disparity becomes even more acute among READ MORE

Jobs for the girls

By Bettina Arndt, 12/13/2022 “…Kosovac argues “toxic masculinity” is the basis for “the dominant ‘technocracy’ approach to water management, in which infrastructure and technology is relied on to solve problems.” So, engineers’ proclivity for using technology to solve problems is now frowned upon…” Read the entire article: https://bettinaarndt.substack.com/p/jobs-for-the-girls?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=448263&post_id=90286268&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email