Boys being left behind

By WNG, 12/06/2022 “…He says there could be many factors. But one possibility? Developmental differences between boys and girls…That lagging self-regulation could contribute to difficulty sitting still in class. Cid is quick to point out that boys still need to learn developmental skills like self-regulation. But maybe, he says, teachers should also use strategies that READ MORE

Why are boys doing badly at school?

By The Economist, 11/23/2022 “… Globally, colleges and universities now enrol just 88 men for every 100 women. These trends have long been starkest in rich countries, but are increasingly visible in poor ones, too—perhaps because the hurdles that long held schoolgirls back are gradually being knocked down. Why do boys do badly in school…” READ MORE

Maryland’s top education leaders meet up to talk Blueprint

By Maryland Matters, 12/16/2022 “…The state acknowledged, based on an October report from the National Assessment of Education Progress that shows a decline in test scores in mathematics and reading among fourth- and eighth-grade students, an achievement gap persists among Black, Latino and economically disadvantaged students, Greene, a retired educator of more than 40 years, READ MORE

Boys Can Successfully Read Too

If you didn’t know already, girls read much more than boys and outperform them in most classes, especially language classes. Also, girls process language on both sides of their brains while boys only process language on the left side. They learn differently and should be taught according to their specific needs. The education system is READ MORE

Study Calls Benefits of Pre-K Into Question. Expert Says Not So Fast.

By Tara Santora – Fatherly, 02/12/2022 “…At first glances, these results are worrying. But Arthur Reynolds, Ph.D., a child development expert who studies early education interventions at the University of Minnesota, isn’t concerned. “Tennessee is an anomaly,” he says. “It’s just not a high-quality program.” The quality of the program is what’s key when it READ MORE

Seattle Times piece on Big Brothers Big Sisters shows impressive concern for boys

By Equality for Boys and Men, 02/13/2022 “…In other words, while there are far more women signed up to be mentors than there are girls signed up to be mentored, the reverse is true for males. BBBS has attracted far more boys who want a big brother than men who want to be a big READ MORE

Boys and men failing in Mississippi, too?

By The Meridian Star, 02/21/2022 “…Yang had numbers to back up his claim – boys are more than twice as likely as girls to be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADHD), five times more likely to spend time in a juvenile facility, and less likely to finish high school…” Read the entire article: