Pandemic family stress leads to sleep problems for boys

By Cal Powell – UGA Today, 01/13/2022 “…University of Georgia researchers have shown elevation in pandemic-related family stress intensified the negative impact of child maltreatment on sleep problems among boys. No significant associations between adverse parenting and sleep were found for girls, suggesting girls showed more resilience in this study…” Read the entire article:

Black, Male Youth at Increased Risk of Attempting Suicide Without Suicide Thoughts and Plans

By Mary Stroka – Psychiatry Advisory, 11/16/2021 “…More boys (63.8%) than girls reported suicide attempt without ideation. Boys were 3.5-times more likely than girls to attempt suicide without ideation and less likely (adjusted odds ratio (AOR), 0.77) to attempt suicide with ideation…..” Read the entire article:

What I Wish My Son’s Teachers Knew About Him and ADHD

By ADDitude 03/08/2021 “…I wish you knew that my son doesn’t want to misbehave. What seems like misbehavior could be because he is overwhelmed, frustrated or embarrassed. If he is feeling any of these emotions, his brain responds by fighting, fleeing or freezing. It’s a natural stress response. I wish you knew how stressful school READ MORE

Study Finds No Ties Between Youth Tackle Football, Brain/Behavioral Issues

By Health Day 01/03/2022 “…Now, new research suggests that head trauma and concussions aren’t linked to problems with memory, attention, processing speed or behavior in 9- to 12-year-olds who play football for a few seasons…” Read the entire article:

Research sheds light on what’s killing young people, especially boys and young men

By Joanne Silberner – NPR 11/19/2021 “… First, the good news: The death rate among young people around the world has been declining, a new study shows. But boys and young men are not doing as well as girls and young women…” Read the entire article:

Boys Cry Too

By Groundviews 11/23/2021 “… Boys are often under represented or even ignored in the fight against child sexual exploitation due to the stereotyping of gender traits with males being considered strong and invulnerable and less likely to be victimised or in need of support…” Read the entire article:

As The Mom Of Boys, It’s Important That I Take Their Mental Health Seriously

By Alicia Stein – Scary Mommy, 10/11/2021 “…According to the National Institute of Mental Health, men are less likely to experience mental health struggles than women. However, they are also less likely to have sought help for a mental health problem in the past year than women…” Read the entire article:

Social media is becoming increasingly toxic for boys’ body image, too

By Jason Nagata, 10/18/21 “…While Instagram’s impact on teenage girls’ body image made the news recently, few have thought about its effect on teenage boys and young men. Although there is a stereotype that eating disorders occur exclusively in females, males represent a third of people struggling with eating disorders. The masculine body ideal has READ MORE