Widely available HPV vaccines prevent help prevent many types of cancer

By UKNow, 03/13/2023 “…Because the vaccine is most effective before exposure to HPV through sexual activity, it is recommended that boys and girls age 11-12 receive two doses six to 12 months apart…” Read the entire article: http://uknow.uky.edu/uk-healthcare/widely-available-hpv-vaccines-prevent-help-prevent-many-types-cancer

More adolescent boys, young adult men struggling with muscle dysmorphia

By Study Finds, 01/21/2023 “…It’s no secret that societal expectations can have an impact on young people and how they view themselves. As a result, young boys and men are engaging in risky behaviors like strenuous muscle-building exercises and steroids in order to fit into the standard of being lean and muscular…” Read the entire READ MORE

Who are America’s Uninsured?

By Sean Kullman, 02/23/2023 “…Males remain at the top of the list when it comes to those less likely to graduate high school, earn a GED, matriculate to and graduate from a two or four year college, and carry health insurance…” Read the entire article: https://gibm.substack.com/p/who-are-americas-uninsured?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=353975&post_id=102321685&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

New study highlights increasing prevalence of muscle dysmorphia among Canadian boys, young men

By CTV News, 02/05/2023 “…Canadian researchers are drawing attention to the increasing prevalence of “a pathological pursuit of muscularity” among Canadian boys and young men, with a new study that found one in four were at risk of developing what’s known as muscle dysmorphia…” Read the entire article: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/new-study-highlights-increasing-prevalence-of-muscle-dysmorphia-among-canadian-boys-young-men-1.6259080

What Does the Data Say About Why Boys and Men Are Struggling?

By WNYC Studios, 02/03/2023 “…Rates of death by suicide and drug overdose for men in the US are spiking, boys are falling behind in the education system, and men’s participation in the labor market is dropping…” Read the entire article: https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/segments/what-data-says-boys-men-struggling-on-the-media

Boys aged 12 to be offered HPV vaccine as well

By Malta Today, 01/04/2023 “…The HPV vaccine that protects against the cancer-causing virus has so far been given to girls but coverage of the national immunisation programme will now be extended to boys…” Read the entire article: https://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/120570/boys_aged_12_to_be_offered_hpv_vaccine_as_well#.Y9h5KC-B1QI  

Muscle dysmorphia common in male adolescents and young adults

By Medical Xpress, 01/17/2023 “…With the current emphasis on leanness and muscularity as today’s body ideal, many young boys and men are engaging in risky behaviors and activities—from muscle-building exercises to anabolic-androgenic steroid use—to fit in these current norms…” Read the entire article: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-01-muscle-dysmorphia-common-male-adolescents.html