Raising Awareness: TBI in the Media

Awareness raising about boys’ issues such as declining graduation rates, college readiness, and declining mental health, as well as positive solutions such as proper teaching techniques and mentorship, is an important part of our mission. While boys struggle, there are many people who simply do not understand boys and their issues well enough. The Boys Initiative actively promotes the message of support for ALL of our boys through TV, radio, and online interviews. Below is just a selection of  interviews with our good friend beloved former Executive Director, Dr. Vermelle Greene.

Dr. Vermelle Greene on The Bryan McClain Show


Dr. Vermelle Greene – The IE Answer


Dr. Vermelle Greene on the Matt Buff show

Click here to listen


Dr. Vermelle Greene Radio Interview on Newsradio 610 KONA, state of Washington


Dr. Vermelle Greene on Deprogram with Michael Parker


Dr. Vermelle Greene on Sauga 960 am – RICHARD SYRETT SHOW LIVE


Dr. Vermelle Greene on The Voice of Reason


Dr. Vermelle D. Greene on Freedom’s Pep Rally with Jon James


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Dr. Vermelle Greene on Mike Ferguson In The Morning

Dr. Vermelle Greene on Dr Drew

Dr. Vermelle Greene Longtime Educator: Boys in crisis; continue to fall behind girls academically


The Voice of Reason

Guest Dr. Vermelle Greene, The Boys Initiative, joins to discuss public education system, parenting vs educating, school curriculum, and more. 


Dr. Vermelle Greene on Regional News, Steph Lucas Show

Dr. Vermelle D. Green, Boys Learn Differently Than Girls: Is Education Reform Needed?

Boys Learn Differently Than Girls: Is Education Reform Needed? Steph Lucas is joined by Dr. Vermelle D. Greene, an expert on the topic, to discuss that very question. Dr. Greene has been a schoolteacher and administrator for more than 45 years. She is the author of Please Teach Me Like I’m a Boy! Ten Steps to His Success in School and in Life. Greene is the Executive of the Boys Initiative.