What the Data Says About Boys, Recess, and Physical Activity
Physical Activity Physical Activity Facts By CDC Read More Physical Activity Interventions During the School Day: Reviewing Policies, Practices, and Benefits By Online Library Read
Recess Legislation
Thirteen State Require Daily Recess ARIZONA 2018 SB1083 The law requires schools to provide at least two recess periods during the school day for
Recess Articles and Blog Posts
Why Boys NEED Recess and How to Become a Recess Advocate By Jennifer L. W. Fink “…Research proves that recess is beneficial for all kids.
The Spiritual Battle for Our Boys
Remember the story of Moses? The Egyptian pharaoh feared the growing number of Hebrews and ordered the slaughter of their newborn sons. Did you ever
Body Image, Bigorexia, and Eating Disorders in Men and Boys
By Additude, 01/27/25 “…But as many as one in three individuals with an eating disorder is male. About 10 million males in the United States
Young men and boys may silently struggle with anxiety, depression
By WACX, 01/30/25 “…More young people are struggling with their mental health, especially boys and young men who may not open up about their struggles
Ten-year-old boy’s fitness journey goes viral
By BBC, 02/27/25 “…A 10-year-old’s bid to beat bullying by getting fit and healthy is being followed by millions of people on social media. …”
These teenage boys were blackmailed online – and it cost them their lives
By USA Today, 02/15/25 “…The scam is the fastest-growing cybercrime targeting children in North America and most commonly exploits young men, particularly boys ages 13
Brain scans show anxiety impacts boys and girls’ face processing in opposite ways
By PsyPost, 02/25/25 “…New research published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience reveals that boys and girls show distinct brain activity patterns when looking at
Community perspectives on well-being for Black boys
By Brookings, 02/07/25 “…Amplifying their voices is essential to shaping policies that allow Black boys to experience childhood with optimism, feel acknowledged and celebrated in