Ignite a Passion for Learning: Innovative Ways to Engage Your Kids

In our fast-paced world, nurturing a deep-seated love for learning in our children is more crucial than ever. This comprehensive guide unveils a treasure trove of innovative and engaging strategies to keep the flame of curiosity burning brightly in your children. From integrating cutting-edge educational technology to fostering an environment that celebrates exploration, these creative approaches READ MORE

Autism Affects Boys and Girls Differently. Understanding Both Ends of the Spectrum Will Help You Know if Your Child Has the Ailment

By Economic Times 04/02/2022 “…Autism is significantly more common in boys than in girls. The exact reason for the ratio is still not apparent and could be rooted in biological differences. Some experts also say it can be because of the way autism is defined and diagnosed…” Read the entire article: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/for-every-1-girl-with-autism-4-boys-are-diagnosed-with-this-ailment-an-essential-guide-to-understand-the-complex-spectrum-for-better-diagnosis/articleshow/90610097.cms

Metformin Use Linked to Birth Defects in Boys

By Howard Wolinsky – Medscape March 28, 2022 “…The widely used antidiabetic drug metformin may cause genital birth defects such as undescended testicles and urethral problems in the male offspring of men who take the medication, researchers have found. …” Read the article: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/970941?src=soc_tw_share

Too Many Schools See Danger in Boys (and their toys)

By Erika Sanzi September, 24, 2020 “…Perhaps we should have known that keeping schools closed would lead to boys being deemed “dangerous” in their own homes. It was inevitable that “zoom school” would present a new challenge for teachers (and parents) as children would have to do their best to focus on learning with all READ MORE

Delays for Autism Diagnosis and Treatment Grew Even Longer During the Pandemic

By Andy Miller and Jenny Gold March 30, 2022 “…Yet children from Georgia to California often wait months — and in many cases more than a year — to get a diagnosis and then receive specialized treatment services. Therapies that can cost $40,000 or more a year are especially out of reach for families who don’t have insurance READ MORE

Study Calls Benefits of Pre-K Into Question. Expert Says Not So Fast.

By Tara Santora – Fatherly, 02/12/2022 “…At first glances, these results are worrying. But Arthur Reynolds, Ph.D., a child development expert who studies early education interventions at the University of Minnesota, isn’t concerned. “Tennessee is an anomaly,” he says. “It’s just not a high-quality program.” The quality of the program is what’s key when it READ MORE

Seattle Times piece on Big Brothers Big Sisters shows impressive concern for boys

By Equality for Boys and Men, 02/13/2022 “…In other words, while there are far more women signed up to be mentors than there are girls signed up to be mentored, the reverse is true for males. BBBS has attracted far more boys who want a big brother than men who want to be a big READ MORE

Boys and men failing in Mississippi, too?

By The Meridian Star, 02/21/2022 “…Yang had numbers to back up his claim – boys are more than twice as likely as girls to be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADHD), five times more likely to spend time in a juvenile facility, and less likely to finish high school…” Read the entire article: https://www.meridianstar.com/opinion/columns/boys-and-men-failing-in-mississippi-too/article_5cdb087a-736e-5162-a771-ca893f3cd38a.html