Struggling families say a lack of food makes home-learning difficult

By 01/12/2021 “… Girls of all ages were more engaged and motivated than boys. This was most apparent in secondary schools where girls were more than twice as likely to be very engaged and very motivated in their home learning than boys…” Read the entire article:

Boys born to overweight women are 40 percent more likely to grow up infertile, study finds

By Ian Randall – Daily Mail 01/06/2020 “… The sons of women who were overweight prior to giving birth are around 40 per cent more likely to grow up to be infertile, a study has warned. Researchers from Denmark studied 9,232 adults — of whom around nine per cent were found to suffer from infertility…” READ MORE

The Brutality of Boyhood

By Washington Monthly 01/11/2021 “… For starters, we generally don’t hold boys’ bodies sacred in the same manner we do girls’; boys are apparently too tough to experience physical pain. We deny them access to the full range of human emotions, labeling certain feelings like sadness and fear as exclusively feminine. We don’t give boys READ MORE

Gender stereotyping is harming young people’s mental health, finds UK report

By The Guardian 12/15/2020 “… In the home, a majority of parents recognise that there is a problem, with three-quarters saying people treat boys and girls differently from an early age. They are also seven times more likely to picture their sons working in construction and almost three times as likely to see their daughters READ MORE

Teen Vaping Doubles Risk for Subsequent Tobacco Use

By Consumer HealthDay 01/07/2021 “… Adolescent boys who use electronic cigarettes have an increased risk for subsequently initiating traditional tobacco products, according to a study published online Dec. 8 in Addictive Behaviors. …” Read the entire article:

Lincoln seventh grader creates a diverse world of kids-turned-superheroes in a book he started in third grade

By Lincoln Journal Star 01/01/2021 “… Jeffrey says he likes the freedom to say what he wants, to put his thoughts down, the lessons he’d like readers to take away. …” Read the entire article:

Teens who spend more time in extracurricular activities and less time in front of screens have better mental health, study finds

By CNN 11/04/2020 “… But it’s not healthy for either gender: Screen time that went beyond the recommended limit of two hours was still significantly associated with lower satisfaction and optimism among boys and girls, the study said. …” Read the entire article:

PROOF POINTS: White and female teachers show racial bias in evaluating second grade writing

By Hechinger Report 11/02/2020 “… A recent study highlighted how the unfair grading of ordinary schoolwork extends down to even young students. In an experiment, teachers evaluated the same second-grade writing sample more harshly when there were clues that it had been written by a Black boy than when it appeared to have been written READ MORE

Seattle’s young ‘Kings’ help adults build a more equitable education system

By Seattle Times 11/03/2020 “… The SLC is a group that includes Black male students from schools across the Seattle Public School District. They’ve come together to support each other as they navigate balancing school and life while mentoring others and providing guidance to administrative leaders in the District as a whole. …” Read the READ MORE