By Lee Bare – Psychology Today 04/01/2020 “… While raising teenage boys, I think it is important for my sons to have certain tools to take with them in order to promote mental health especially as they go out into the world. …” Read the entire article:
Author: The Boys Initiative
After judge’s ruling, state school for boys must now take mental health care seriously
By Nathan Kirstein and Harry Frischer – Des Moines Register 04/06/2020 “… Children who enter the school are caught in a vicious cycle of violence perpetuated by the institutional shortcomings of a school that places very little emphasis on treating mental health disorders. …” Read the entire article:
Why autism disorder is more common in boys than girls?
By International Business Times 04/06/2020 “… Neuron offers clues to why autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is more common in boys than in girls, say researchers. They found that a single amino acid change in the “NLGN4″ gene, which has been linked to autism symptoms, may drive this difference in some cases. …” Read the entire READ MORE
Parenting in the time of Coronavirus: Children have questions but how do you explain the pandemic
By First Post 04/06/2020 “… Parents across the country, and the world, are grappling with an unprecedented challenge of dealing with their children who are too old to be shushed or placated and too young to understand the inexplicable situation the world has found itself in. …” Read the entire article:
Teen Suicide Spiking Due in Part to Unrealistic Expectations, Hotline Expert Says
By Allison Stevens – Youth Today 03/18/2020 “… The suicide rate among young people between the ages of 10 and 14 declined in the early part of the century, and was stable during that period among older teens, according to the CDC. But it has since spiked, nearly tripling among 10- to 14-year-olds between 2007 READ MORE
Parenting When the World’s On Fire: 5 Ways to Help Kids Through Stressful Times
By Valerie Larson-Howard, LCSW – TulsaKids 03/22/2020 “… Unfortunately, parents have the added pressure of navigating this fire while knowing their kids are looking to them for reassurance. Luckily, the playbook for helping kids through a crisis remains the same even when nothing is normal about the current crisis. …” Read the entire article:
COVID-19: Keeping their distance will help keep your kids healthy
By Cloe Logan – Surrey Now-Leader 03/22/2020 “… “At least our boys have each other to play with and they are really good friends.” He said all of the safety precautions, combined with activities that make kids feel hopeful, is the ideal way to approach isolation. …” Read the entire article:
Family Instability Hits Boys Harder Than Girls and Has Double Poverty’s Influence on Childhood Aggression
By The Good Men Project 03/23/2020 “… Increasing family instability, caused by divorce and remarriage (as well as the formation and dissolution of cohabiting unions), is having a major influence on children’s social-emotional development, especially among boys, according to latest research. …” Read the entire article:
HPV infections can be eliminated if both boys and girls are vaccinated
By ScienceDaily 03/12/2020 “… A Swedish-Finnish study published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases now shows that the most oncogenic HPV types can be eliminated, but only if both girls and boys are vaccinated. Both genders will be offered vaccination in Sweden as of 2020. …” Read the entire article:
Parents, grandmother indicted in Arizona boy’s death
By ABC News 03/13/2020 “…Eventually, they told police they kept the boy and his 7-year-old brother in a closet for 16 hours a day over the past month and gave them little to eat, police reports showed. …” Read the entire article: