By Tom Kershaw & Hannah Mitchell – Hull Daily Mail 03/19/2019 “…Shirebrook Academy launched its ‘Boys Will Be Brilliant!’ scheme to encourage male students to raise their aspirations by installing a wall of fame aimed specifically at praising boys, reports Nottinghamshire Live. …” Read the entire article:
Author: The Boys Initiative
Do Boys Lack Empathy? If So, Perhaps It’s Because They Give What They Get
By Evan Gerstmann – Forbes 03/11/2019 “… As “toxic masculinity” has become a new buzz phrase, many have suggested that there is an empathy gap between boy and girls, with boys on the short side of empathy. …” Read the entire article:
New study of youth with ADHD reveals gaps between student needs and school services
By James Ives – News Medical 03/06/2019“… The study found that about one in three students with ADHD received no school-based interventions and two of three received no classroom management, representing a major gap in addressing chronic impairment related to ADHD symptoms. …” Read the entire article:
Boys’ attention and prosocial behaviour linked to earnings 30 years later
By Francis Vergunst – The Conversation 03/17/2019“… Behaviours identified as early as kindergarten are clues about larger contexts that have lifelong consequences for individuals and society. …” Read the entire article:
Sexual abuse of boys continues to be missed: what social workers can do
By CommunityCare 03/18/2019 “… For young males in particular, distress may manifest as externalising behaviours such as displaying aggressive, harmful or challenging behaviour in school or at home, truanting, running away, displaying HSB or substance misuse. …” Read the entire article:
Has Your Teen Boy Seen His Guidance Counselor?
By Marie Miguel – The Good Men Project 03/18/2019 “… Teenage boys are coping with many emotional challenges; some of them may have a mental illness, and others may be dealing with regular teen issues such as academic success or the ability to perform to the extent that their parents want them to. …” Read READ MORE
Boys still vulnerable to sexual abuse
By Khorn Savi – The Phnom Penh Post 03/07/2019 “…New research conducted by First Step Cambodia has shown that parents and government authorities still have little awareness of how to prevent boys from being victims of sexual abuse, despite a previous study which found that more boys than girls suffer sexual exploitation. …” Read the entire READ MORE
Federal appeals court grants Minnesota boys’ request to compete on dance teams
By Brandon Stahl – Chicago Tribune 03/06/2019 “…A federal appeals court on Wednesday ruled that the Minnesota State High School League must allow two boys to compete on their high schools’ dance teams. …” Read the entire article:
No recess for boys at public school in Spain so they ‘know how women feel’
By Martin M. Barillas – Life Site 03/07/2019 “…Diaz Villanueva wrote on Twitter, “This Friday, the boys at a school in Huelva will be punished and without recreation … because they are boys. Girls will be allowed to go out to the schoolyard. …” Read the entire article:
Children and Nature
By Steve King – The Good Men Project 03/02/2019 “…There are statistics with regard to children having or not having the opportunity for outdoor play. Some of these include “odds of children going outside being: higher for boys, those with three or more playmates, those with mothers of white ethnicity, and those whose parents exercise READ MORE