Colleges are now dominated by women, creating an ‘education gap’ afflicting men

By Christian Schneider – The College Fix 02/19/2019 “…All total, 420,000 more women than men will earn Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degrees this year. …” Read the entire article:

The education gender gap

By Brett Herrmann – News Tribune 02/19/2019 “…About 78 percent of teachers, administrators and other school personnel are female in the state of Illinois, according to figures provided in the Illinois State Board of Education’s 2018 Annual Report. …” Read the entire article:

Parents say city’s new admissions plans will hurt boys more than girls

By Selim Algar – New York Post 02/18/2019 “…The city’s proposed new admissions plan for its elite specialized high schools will take a punishing toll on boys, critics charge. …” Read the entire article:

Feminism is creating opportunities for girls. But that about our boys?

By Sarah Stankorb – The Washington Post 02/26/2019 “…We are busy fighting to create a message of “You can be whatever you want” for our daughters, but we are not pushing for the same as vocally for our sons. …” Read the entire article:

Identical triplets torn apart for sick science experiment in harrowing documentary

By Ailbhe MacMahon – Daily Star 03/01/2019 “… Throughout childhood, the triplets — who were adopted by three families in the early sixties — were unaware of their brothers’ existence. …” Read the entire article:

Why divorce affects boys more than girls

By Steve Doughty – Iol 02/18/2019 “…But now a major new study has confirmed that they suffer more emotional problems than other children – with boys’ behaviour particularly badly affected. …” Read the entire article:

“People don’t look out for the signs of anorexia among boys and men – I want to change that”

By Charlotte Dobson – Manchester Evening News 02/25/2019 “…Samuel Pollen developed an eating disorder when he was 12-years-old. Now he’s written a novel informed by his experience…” Read the entire article:

Significant gender gap in number completing college courses

By Carl O’Brien – The Irish Times 02/14/2019 “…High drop-out rates are a major issue for young men, especially those studying computing courses in institutes of technology. Almost 60 per cent of these students failed to complete these courses at ordinary degree or higher certificate level. ..” Read the entire article:

As our lifestyles become more sedentary, unfit teen boys find themselves at real risk of chronic illness

By Health 24 02/25/2019 “… A study of 1 million boys for an average of 28 years, starting when they were 16 to 19 years of age has revealed that teen boys who are unfit and/or obese have higher odds for chronic disease and disability as adults. …” Read the entire article: