By Michael Gurian – Psychology Today 01/24/2019 “…Child advocates like myself who are parents of daughters have been saying for years, “We can’t do much more for our daughters if we don’t help their future husbands–our nation’s sons–too.” …” Read the entire article:
Author: The Boys Initiative
More than 6,000 boys and girls receive HPV vaccine
By Jarod Derrick – Antigua Observer 01/16/2019 “…There have been no reported cases of side effects resulting from the Human Papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine which has been administered to approximately 6,000 boys and girls between the ages of nine and 13. …” Read the entire article:
‘It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way.’ Why Some Boys Can Keep Up With Girls in School.
By Claire Cain Miller – New York Times 01/15/2019 “…A study shows the Asian-American gender academic gap starts later, giving educators insight into how to help boys of all races and pointing to the influence of social pressures. …” Read the entire article:
Teenage Boys Need Love Too
By Yve Anmore – The Good Men Project 01/15/2019 “…Our teenage sons face the same pressures we did at their age. And if they’re sensitive types, even more so. Imagine what it’s like when your popularity isn’t just based on who you’re friends with at school, but also how many likes you get on your READ MORE
‘Toxic’ masculinity is harming boys by encouraging them not to cry, say top psychologists
By Julie Henry – Daily Mail 01/12/2019 “…Traditional masculinity is toxic and encouraging boys not to cry is dangerous to their health, according to the world’s leading psychology group. …” Read the entire article:
Practices network to improve care for children with ADHD
By AAP News 01/10/2019 “…Community-based pediatricians often struggle to treat children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) based on AAP guidelines. Recent studies suggest that quality improvement (QI) strategies could improve adherence to the guidelines. …” Read the entire article:
If we believe in true equality we must help boys, says MARTIN DAUBNEY
By Martin Daubney – Express 01/13/2019 “… IT’S BARELY mid-January but already we have a contender for the “Least Politically Correct Study Of 2019 Award” – a powerful research paper that has completely flipped the telescope on gender inequality. …” Read the entire article:
Boys’ weight in puberty tied to adult diabetes risk
By Lisa Rapaport – Reuters 12/27/2019 “…When young boys gain a lot of weight at puberty, they may be increasing their risk of developing diabetes decades later, a Swedish study suggests. …” Read the entire article:
Blaming Masculinity Will Only Make The Male Crisis Worse
By Michael Gurian – The Federalist 01/14/2019 “…Only 15 percent of new counselors are male, leaving 85 percent female. Clients in therapy skew almost 80 percent female—males are dragged in by moms or spouses, but generally leave an environment unequipped for the male nature. …” Read the entire article:
FDA calls AR male teens using smokeless tobacco an epidemic
By Christa Wood – East Texas Matters 01/10/2019 “…The number of teenage boys using smokeless tobacco in Arkansas nearly doubles the national number. …” Read the entire article: