By NBC News on 09/25/2018 “… A big analysis of grades covering 1.6 million elementary, high school and university students shows that girls outperform boys at all ages. This includes science, technology, engineering and math subjects, the Australian researchers said. …” Read the entire article:
Author: The Boys Initiative
Warning Over Missed Opportunity to Improve Children’s Health
By Medscape on 10/15/2018 “… A properly-funded strategy for children and young people is urgently needed to stop child health in England continuing to fall behind other comparable countries, the UK’s most senior paediatrician has told Medscape News UK. …” Read the entire article:
Age boys start puberty ‘linked to mothers’
By BBC on 10/12/2018 “… The age at which boys begin puberty is linked to when their mothers started having periods, a study suggests. Mothers who started earlier than their peers had sons who had: • armpit hair two and a half months earlier • acne and voices breaking two months earlier. …” Read the entire article:
Woman Accuses 9-Year-Old of ‘Sexual Assault,’ Then the Surveillance Video Comes Out
By Western Journal on 10/13/2018 “… A woman allegedly named Teresa Klein is gaining some viral infamy after she accused a 9-year-old African-American child of sexual assault when he brushed up against her, according to the New York Post. …” Read the entire article:
She Said He Assaulted Her. Witnesses IN THE ROOM Said It Didn’t Happen. He Was Still Suspended.
By Daily Wire on 10/11/2018 “… A female student claimed a male student assaulted her while they lay next to each other on a bed one night after drinking. Just a few feet away, the man’s girlfriend and roommate were talking, and neither heard or saw anything corroborating the woman’s claims. The school suspended him anyway. READ MORE
Always Believe Women? Boy’s Life Destroyed by Girls’ False Allegations
By New American on 10/06/2018 “… The accusations plaguing Brett Kavanaugh have captivated the nation. Yet they’re not as damning as two relatively recent allegations of sexual assault made against a Pennsylvania teen — allegations that were backed by corroborating witnesses. …” Read the entire article:
Women to Crazed Feminists: We Will Fight You to Defend Our Men
By PJ Media on 10/05/2018 “… As I’ve covered the hearings and the circus surrounding them, I’ve heard a constant refrain — conservative women are furious about the false allegations leveled against Kavanaugh. They resent the feminist call to believe the woman and thereby assume the man’s guilt simply because he is a member of the READ MORE
Lawsuit accuses Seneca Valley ‘mean girls’ of targeting boy with false allegations
By Trib Live on 10/03/2018 “… While “Mean Girls Day” is being marked Wednesday in reference to a mention of Oct. 3 in the popular 2004 cult movie, the parents of a former Seneca Valley High School student claim in a federal lawsuit filed this week that their teenage son was terrorized by false accusations made READ MORE
Intersectionality and the Tragedy of the Black Male
Psychology Today on 09/24/2018 “… “Intersectionality is a concet often used in critical theories to describe the ways in which oppressive institutions (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, classism, etc.) are interconnected and cannot be examined separately from one another.” …” Read the entire article:
University of Michigan Hit With ‘Male Discrimination’ Title IX Complaint
By PJ Media on 09/27/2018 “…. The University of Michigan (UM) is now under evaluation by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) due to allegations of financial, academic, and programmatic discrimination against male students and prospective students. …” Read the entire article: