Comic Books for Boys

Brian Bradley is the creator, author and illustrator of Kingdom Comics which are Christian comic books. Within these stories, the importance of having faith in God is emphasized and their goal is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Kingdom Comics are one of a kind, especially compared to mainstream comic books. These are perfect READ MORE

Glad To Do It Books

James Burd Brewster’s “Glad to Do It!” book series is full of children’s picture books that are great for young boys. In this series, there are stories about Officer Jack, a policeman, and Uncle Rocky, a fireman. They always touch on the importance of serving others and always end with the trademark statement, “Glad to READ MORE

Books for Boys

James Burd Brewster is the author of children’s picture books that are perfect for boys. They are all full of detailed illustrations with lots of colors. A lot of them are interactive and give children the chance to feel included in the stories. The one thing they each have in common is each story teaches READ MORE

Classrooms For Only Boys

Coral Community Charter School is a public school in Albuquerque with single-gender classrooms, serving grades from preschool to fifth grade. This school understands the importance of equity. Boys and girls have different needs and they understand the importance of kids being provided with resources based on those needs. However, what is the point and why READ MORE