By Joanne Silberner – NPR 11/19/2021 “… First, the good news: The death rate among young people around the world has been declining, a new study shows. But boys and young men are not doing as well as girls and young women…” Read the entire article:
Category: Advocacy for Boys
There aren’t enough men teaching elementary school. Here’s how we can change that — and why we must.
By Jason Baez – Chalkbeat New York 11/02/2021 “…Moreover, additional male teachers can model for boys, especially boys without fathers or with absent ones, a healthy form of masculinity. I’ve also seen male teachers connect with boys in ways that help them improve academically…” Read the entire article:
Boys Cry Too
By Groundviews 11/23/2021 “… Boys are often under represented or even ignored in the fight against child sexual exploitation due to the stereotyping of gender traits with males being considered strong and invulnerable and less likely to be victimised or in need of support…” Read the entire article:
Gender, education and dropouts
By The Manila Times 11/30/2021 “…A recent article in the magazine The Atlantic pointed out that US colleges and universities currently enroll six women for every four men, a gender gap that is getting wider with every year…” Read the entire article:
Colleges Have a Guy Problem
By Derek Thompson – The Atlantic, 09/14/2021 “…American colleges and universities now enroll roughly six women for every four men. This is the largest female-male gender gap in the history of higher education, and it’s getting wider…” Read the entire article:
Boys are falling farther and farther behind their sisters: should we care?
By Leonard Sax – MercatorNet, 10/11/2021 “… There is a growing gender gap in higher education. According to the latest figures from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center: as of spring 2021, women accounted for 59.5% of students attending colleges and universities nationwide. Among four-year private colleges, women now account for 61% of all students…” READ MORE
Education trial aims to tackle underachievement of boys
By Rebecca Black, PA, 10/22/21 “…Professor Brian Murphy, director of academic business development and responsible for widening participation at the university, said boys and young men are “seriously falling behind at every level of the education system”. “At Ulster University the participation rate for young men is now at 40% of our student population. Are READ MORE
Baby boys get less protective antibodies from pregnant moms with COVID-19 compared to girls, new MGH study suggests
By Alexi Cohan, 10/31/21 “…Pregnant women who get the coronavirus make fewer antibodies against the virus and transfer less immunity to their baby when having a boy compared to a girl, a new study out of Massachusetts General Hospital suggests. “We definitely saw that male fetuses ended up with less protective antibodies from mom,” said READ MORE
Social media is becoming increasingly toxic for boys’ body image, too
By Jason Nagata, 10/18/21 “…While Instagram’s impact on teenage girls’ body image made the news recently, few have thought about its effect on teenage boys and young men. Although there is a stereotype that eating disorders occur exclusively in females, males represent a third of people struggling with eating disorders. The masculine body ideal has READ MORE
How traits relate to brain activity may differ between autistic boys, girls
By Anna Goshua, 10/11/21 “…The new work bolsters the idea that the brains of autistic boys function differently from those of autistic girls. It should also serve as a warning to scientists to heed these differences when considering resting-state brain activity as a biomarker for autism, the researchers say….” Read the entire article: