Fewer boys are playing high school football

By KNOE on 03/12/2018 “… Since 2008, the number of high school boys participating in football has steadily dropped, almost 5%, in a sport that used to add players every year. …” Read the entire article: http://www.knoe.com/content/news/Fewer-boys-are-playing-high-school-football-476619203.html

Our Boys’ Call for Help: How We Can Change the Way We Interact With Struggling Boys

By Good Men Project on 03/14/2018 “… Michael was in trouble, and he knew it. For the umpteenth time, he’d greeted me with a raised middle finger and then ran off to the computer lab for his first period class. I wasn’t surprised when I got a call from the assistant principal 20 minutes later asking READ MORE

For Women’s History Month, Tucker Carlson Is Airing A Series On The ‘Crisis’ Facing Men

By Yahoo on 03/06/2018 “… Fox News host Tucker Carlson has announced a special series that will air on his show every Wednesday through the month of March. The “Men in America” series will focus on what Carlson described as a “crisis” facing American men. …” Read the entire article: https://www.yahoo.com/news/women-history-month-tucker-carlson-043240200.html

Poll Shows Most Parents Of School Children Support Arming Teachers

By MRC TV on 02/28/2018 “… While Americans in general may be divided on the prospect of allowing teachers to carry guns in schools, it looks like the majority of parents agree: more guns are a good thing. …” Read the entire article: https://www.mrctv.org/blog/poll-shows-most-parents-school-children-support-arming-teachers

Exclusive: Craig Morgan Admits Son Jerry’s Death is the ‘First Thing I Think About When I Wake Up’

By Pop Culture on 02/28/2018 “… Craig Morgan and his wife, Karen, experienced every parent’s worst nightmare in 2016, when their 19-year-old son, Jerry, drowned while tubing on a lake with his friends. …” Read the entire article: http://popculture.com/country-music/2018/02/28/craig-morgan-jerry-greer-son-died-exclusive/

Stanford protects inclusivity by banning men from the gym twice a week

By The College Fix on 02/22/2018 “… Michigan State University operated a women-only lounge going back to the Great Depression. The University of Michigan-Flint has excluded whites and males from consideration for certain faculty awards. …” Read the entire article: https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/42255/

We’re Getting ADHD Wrong (Especially in Boys)

By ED Week 02/13/2018 “… My 15-year-old son has been dubbed a “slow processer”—the kind of kid who tends to stare out the window during class as he gathers his thoughts or daydreams. His reading has hovered slightly below grade level since teachers began assessing it. His organizational habits are less than stellar: Homework assignments, school READ MORE

Concern over teen boys increasing use of unregulated protein supplements

By 3 AW on 01/31/2017 “… An estimated 60 per cent of adolescent boys are dissatisfied with their bodies, and they are increasingly turning to the use of unregulated supplements and steroids. A new high school education program, Three Dimensions Project, is targeting adolescent boys in a bid to decrease supplement use. …” Read the entire article: https://www.3aw.com.au/concern-over-teen-boys-increasing-use-of-unregulated-protein-supplements/

Plastic chemical linked to male infertility in majority of teenagers, study suggests

By Telegraph on 02/04/2018 “… The chemical known as Bisphenol A can be found in in plastic containers and water bottles, till receipts, on the inside of cans and bottle tops and in plastic packaging and tubing, and has similarities to female sex hormone oestrogen.  …” Read the entire article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/02/04/plastic-chemical-linked-male-infertility-majority-teenagers/

Is your child at risk of brain injury from playing football or rugby?

By The Guardian on 02/05/2018 “… Since the case of Jeff Astle, the former West Bromwich Albion footballer who died of a degenerative brain disease in 2002, the potential risks of heading have come under intensive scrutiny. The coroner cited “industrial disease” as the cause of Astle’s death. At about the same time, Bennet Omalu, the forensic READ MORE