How do we encourage boys to learn languages?

By Bobbie Mills – Tes 01/28/2020 “… Research published this week, by the Education Policy Institute (EPI), commissioned by the British Council, found that girls are more than twice as likely as boys to enter and secure a pass in a modern foreign language. …” Read the entire article:

How Strengthening Relationships with Boys Can Help Them Learn

By Deborah Farmer Kris – KQED 01/29/2020 “… To support boys in our classrooms, Reichert points to one robust, consistent finding from his 30 years of research: boys are relational learners. They learn best in the context of strong, supportive relationships. …” Read the entire article:

Boys needs special attention

By Paul Golding – Santa Fe New Mexican 02/02/2020 “… Because of their innate slower developmental timetable and because they suffer the vast majority of neurodevelopmental disorders, boys need to be carefully attended to in the preschool expansion process. …” Read the entire article:

Girls are ‘more than twice as likely’ as boys to achieve a pass in a language GCSE

By Eleanor Busby – Independent 01/26/2020 “… The report says that the government must urgently address the “persisting gender gap” within modern foreign languages and set out how it plans to tackle the underrepresentation of boys. …” Read the entire article:  

Boys affected by cyber bullying may engage in risky sexual behaviour: Study

By The Week 01/08/2020 “… Adolescent boys who are victims of cyber bullying are more likely to exhibit adverse psychological problems, including depression and risky behaviours such as substance use, and unprotected intercourse with multiple partners. …” Read the entire article:

The challenge of educating the left-behind boys

By Miranda Green – Financial Times 01/03/2020 “… The problem starts much earlier for boys as a group — at all stages of schooling, boys lag behind girls, and over the last three decades the centuries-long domination of undergraduate education by young men has been reversed. …” Read the entire article:

In a world full of books for girls, a thrilling new novel boys will enjoy

By Jack Cashill – Life Site 12/09/2019 “… The Department of Education expects the trend to continue. By 2027, women are projected earn 151 college degrees for every 100 degrees earned by men. One major reason for male failure is the effete dreck boys are assigned to read in schools. …” Read the entire article: READ MORE

Late Puberty Increases Fracture Risk in Men

By Kaitlyn D’Onofrio – Doc Wire News 12/11/2019 “… Boys with late pubertal timing may have a greater risk of fracture as men, according to the findings of a new study. …” Read the entire article:  

Socioeconomic factors magnify the boy-girl divide and can explain cross-race differences

By Evelyn Iritani – UCLA Anderson Review 10/30/2019 “… This reversal in the educational gender gap has left educators and parents to wonder: Why are boys falling behind in America? …” Read the entire article: