Teens who spend more time in extracurricular activities and less time in front of screens have better mental health, study finds

By CNN 11/04/2020 “… But it’s not healthy for either gender: Screen time that went beyond the recommended limit of two hours was still significantly associated with lower satisfaction and optimism among boys and girls, the study said. …” Read the entire article: https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/04/us/teens-mental-health-screen-time-wellness-trnd/index.html

PROOF POINTS: White and female teachers show racial bias in evaluating second grade writing

By Hechinger Report 11/02/2020 “… A recent study highlighted how the unfair grading of ordinary schoolwork extends down to even young students. In an experiment, teachers evaluated the same second-grade writing sample more harshly when there were clues that it had been written by a Black boy than when it appeared to have been written READ MORE

Seattle’s young ‘Kings’ help adults build a more equitable education system

By Seattle Times 11/03/2020 “… The SLC is a group that includes Black male students from schools across the Seattle Public School District. They’ve come together to support each other as they navigate balancing school and life while mentoring others and providing guidance to administrative leaders in the District as a whole. …” Read the READ MORE

Please Teach Me Like I’m a Boy! with Dr. Vermelle D. Greene

By Self Discovery Media 11/02/2020 “… Dr. Vermelle D. Greene, author of Please Teach Me Like I’m a Boy! Ten Steps to His Success in School and in Life. Greene is the Executive of the Boys Initiative. Boys are in crisis and continue to fall behind girls in academics and readiness for college or careers. READ MORE

Kindergarten Readiness, Later Health, and Social Costs

By Pediatrics 11/02/2020 “…Boys scored significantly lower on classroom engagement than girls…however, there were no sex-based differences in number knowledge or receptive vocabulary scores. Boys also had lower academic averages at the end of high school…” Read the entire article: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2020/10/29/peds.2020-0978

2020 Update: “For every 100 girls…..” Part II

By Mark J. Perry – AEI 10/29/2020 “… For every 100 girls suspended from public elementary and secondary schools, 240 boys are suspended…For every 100 girls expelled from public elementary and secondary schools, 291 boys are expelled…” Read the entire article: https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/2020-update-for-every-100-girls-part-ii/  

Girls start ahead, but boys catch up when it matters: A different education journey for girls and boys

By Kate Noble and Sarah Pilcher 10/27/2020 “… Girls are far more likely to be developmentally ready to start school, and remain ahead on many measures, particularly literacy, throughout the early and middle years. However by senior secondary these gaps have narrowed, and by adulthood young men are faring much better on economic measures. …” READ MORE

The Evidence Strongly Suggests That Teachers Over-Punish Black Students

By Evan Gerstmann – Forbes 10/21/2020 “… Nonetheless, it is becoming increasingly clear that there is significant racial prejudice against African American students, especially boys, when it comes to school discipline. …” Read the entire article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/evangerstmann/2020/10/21/the-evidence-strongly-suggests-that-teachers-over-punish-black-students/#7db571434e0