What Is Nocturnal Enuresis (Bedwetting)?

By Urology Care Foundation  “… Nocturnal enuresis is common for more than 5 million children in the U.S. It is slightly more common in boys than girls. This issue can be frustrating for children, parents and health care providers. …” Read the entire article: https://www.urologyhealth.org/urologic-conditions/nocturnal-enuresis-(bedwetting)  

My son stays up late on his phone and is missing school. What can I do?

By Brian Mooney – The Irish Times 11/18/2019 “… In the early teen years, boys need mentoring and support. It can help to have a strong, male role model, whether that is family or a friend. His grandfather, if he has a good relationship with him, can be invaluable in helping him successfully navigate his READ MORE

How we should help our young men deal with processing grief in a healthier way

By Virginia Fallon – Stuff 11/10/2019 “… In grief, the behaviour of these young men always seems the same. They gather, they drink, they don’t talk and – if they’re anything like my boy – they don’t cry until they’re with their mums. And we don’t know how to help them. …” Read the entire article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/116761880/how-we-should-help-our-young-men-deal-with-processing-grief-in-a-healthier-way

Why I Wrote My New Novel, The Stone Boys

By Michael Gurian – Gurian Institute 11/04/2019 “… As far as I know, however, The Stone Boys is the first thriller that takes on the complexity of male sexual abuse, male trauma, and boys’ developmental crises in the way it does.  …” Read the entire article: https://gurianinstitute.com/why-i-wrote-my-new-novel-the-stone-boys/

Self-harm: boys are less likely to be admitted to hospital

By Ann John & Amanda Marchant – The Conversation 10/31/2019 “… One of our most interesting findings was that after going to an emergency department to report self-harm, girls and young women are more likely to be admitted to hospital than boys and young men of the same age. …” Read the entire article: http://theconversation.com/self-harm-boys-are-less-likely-to-be-admitted-to-hospital-125332

Socioeconomic factors magnify the boy-girl divide and can explain cross-race differences

By Evelyn Iritani – UCLA Anderson Review 10/30/2019 “… This reversal in the educational gender gap has left educators and parents to wonder: Why are boys falling behind in America? …” Read the entire article: https://www.anderson.ucla.edu/faculty-and-research/anderson-review/boys-gap  

Smartphones are helping boys to catch up with girls in reading

By Jim Collins – inews 11/03/2019 “… New research from the Pisa education rankings, which test teenagers in 80 countries, are expected to show boys catching up for the first time in almost 20 years. …” Read the entire article: https://inews.co.uk/news/education/smartphones-are-helping-boys-to-catch-up-with-girls-in-reading-825356  

Gender scholar says raising boys to be ‘emotionally stoic’ leads to violence, suicide

By Ben Walls – The College Fix 11/04/2019 “… One gender scholar who gives regular talks on college campuses argues that men are responsible for much higher rates of violence and suicide because they are often raised to conceal or suppress their emotions. …” Read the entire article: https://www.thecollegefix.com/gender-scholar-says-raising-boys-to-be-emotionally-stoic-leads-to-violence-suicide/