How to Make Your Child’s Brain Grow: A New Study Shows How Powerful Your Parenting Is

By John Rich – The Good Men Project 07/10/2019 “… The three areas that focused on the positive interactions of the parents with their children led to broader changes in the brain’s higher-level cognitive areas. …” Read the entire article:

Young man’s death prompts father’s bid to ban caffeine supplement powder

By Kelly Burke – 7News 07/08/2019 “… Yet the substance, despite being banned in the US last year after the similar death of an 18-year-old Ohio college student, remains legal, and easily available, in Australia. …” Read the entire article:

Too Much Screen Time for the Kids? Grandparents May Also Be Complicit

By News Wise 07/08/2019 “… On average, grandparents had more difficulty in managing the media use of boys and older children than of girls and younger children. Boys on average spent 17 minutes more than girls with media related activities. …” Read the entire article:

While HPV Vaccination Rates Remain Low, One Doctor Encourages Better Education

By Joy Powers – WUWM 07/02/2019 “… Although a vaccine has been available for more than a decade, vaccination rates remain relatively low, especially among boys and men. According to a CDC survey, around half of teens were up to date with the vaccination as of 2017.  …” Read the entire article:  

Suicides soar among teenagers, Harvard study says

By Felice J. Freyer – Boston Global 06/18/2019 “… For example, among males age 15 to 19, the suicide rate dipped slightly from 2000 to 2007, rose just 3.1 percent per year from 2007 to 2014, and then jumped a startling 14.2 percent annually from 2015 to 2017. …” Read the entire article:

‘Freshman 15’ affects male university students more than females, study shows

By Alan Mozes – UPI 07/03/2019 “… And while boys also packed on more lean body mass than girls during their first year at college, in the end they were more likely to end up becoming overweight than girls, the researchers found. …” Read the entire article:

Buffalo Law Student Dies From Suicide, Family Establishes Mental Health Fund

By Christine Simmons – The American Lawyer 07/03/2019 “… His mother said Matthew had been struggling with mental health issues for about five years, since he suffered a concussion from playing college football. …” Read the entire article:

Absence of Fathers, Radical Feminism, and Identity Politics Are Hurting Our Boys: Dr. Warren Farrell

By Jan Jekielek – The Epoch Times 07/06/2019 “…They discuss how growing up without a father in the home affects boys, and how it’s connected with a lack of purpose, mental illness, and a propensity for violence.  …” Read the entire article:

Boys are growing up fast but lack the skills to cope with modern challenges

By Shannon Molloy – 06/14/2019 “… Young boys are ill-equipped and inadequately supported to deal with the range of challenges they face, from drug and alcohol usage to mental health issues, she said. …” Read the entire article:

Boys’ next sense of purpose: ‘Father warriors’

By Warren Farrell – Washington Examiner 06/14/2019 “… The bad news is that this has left many boys with a “purpose void.” As boys with a purpose void have become less-motivated men, more women are interested in having children without having “just one more child I have to support.” Additionally, more children of divorce are READ MORE