Motivational Speaker Teaches Boys to Discuss Mental Health Post-Pandemic

By CBS News, 08/07/24 “…Mental health challenges among girls and young women have been widely studied and discussed, but since the pandemic, experts say they’ve seen a growing focus on the emotional well-being of boys. One motivational speaker is traveling the world to teach young men how to discuss their feelings. …” Read the entire READ MORE

Why “Boy” Culture Is Hurting Boys and Everyone Else

By Greater Good Magazine, July 8,  2024 “…We just assume the “boy” culture notion of boys is true, and we have all sorts of books that say it’s biological. I want to say to people saying gender differences are biological, “Have you ever listened to kids? Because if you ever listened to kids, you would READ MORE

Ga. man walks 200 miles for charter school empowering boys

By 12 26 On Your Side News, July 24, 2024 “…King Randall is using his steps to raise funds for The Life Preparatory School for Boys. The youth organization offers after-school classes and programs, teaching boys everything from reading and writing to trade skills. They are fundraising for more space. …”   Read the entire article:

What’s wrong with boys in school?

By Fordham Institute, July 11, 2024 “…Boys are not faring as well as girls in school. Women outperform men in school in terms of school readiness in kindergarten, GPA, and increasingly in college enrollment and degree attainment. …” Read the entire article:

Discussion in Harlem highlights mental health needs of Black men and boys. Why it’s being called “a national problem.”

By CBS News, July 16, 2024 “…Dr. Arthur Evans, CEO of the American Psychological Association, said suicide rates among Black adolescent boys is rising at a concerning rate. …” Read the entire article:

Tomorrow’s Health: Diabetes in boys, brain care & obesity drugs

By 7 News Staff, Jul. 23, 2024 “…Boys are more likely to develop type 1 diabetes than girls. That’s according to a new study published in the U.K. that found that up until age 10 the risk is the same, but it markedly decreases for girls at that point. …” Read the entire article:

Boys born with higher natural resistance to HIV, study finds

By Medical Xpress, 07/08/2024 “…Baby girls are more likely to acquire HIV from their mothers during pregnancy or childbirth than infant boys, who are conversely more likely to achieve cure or remission, researchers say in a new study that sheds light on the gender differences in immune systems. Read the entire article:

Bigorexia in Teen Boys: Muscle Dysmorphia and Its Impact on Teens

By Newport Academy, 06/05/2024 “…Over the last several decades, however, the muscular male ideal has grown in prominence. This extreme drive to achieve a muscular physique can lead to a condition known as muscle dysmorphia, or bigorexia. Teens with bigorexia, which primarily affects boys and young men, are obsessed with bodybuilding and getting lean and muscular…” READ MORE

Mental health experts fear depression in boys going untreated, undetected

By NBC DFW, 06/27/2024 “… Experts explain that boys aren’t always  as expressive with their struggles. They say it is not a stereotype, but part of the way many boys and young men process things like anxiety, grief and loneliness…” Read the entire article:

Boys Aren’t Reading As Much As Girls, And It’s A Major Problem

By The Federalist, 07/08/2024 “…Already, this educational disparity between the sexes is leading to a crisis in marriageand family formation, to say nothing of political polarization, since most men and women struggle to find intellectual equals who can understand and complement them…” Read the entire article: