By NBC News 02/16/2021 “…From the week of March 9 to the week of March 30, the proportion of visits by teenagers that involved first-time ADHD diagnoses rose by 67 percent. There was a similar spike among teenagers — particularly boys — who received prescriptions for ADHD medicines for the first time…” Read the entire READ MORE
Category: Parenting Boys
How can we better raise boys? A new book looks at where we’ve gone wrong — and how to fix it
By The Washington Post 03/16/2021 “… Parents treat their sons differently from their daughters from the very start of their lives, Brown notes. Consciously or not, they see baby boys as tougher; they discourage growing boys from expressing pain and reward them for using anger to get what they want…” Read the entire article:–and-how-to-fix-it/2021/03/16/17ad2622-804e-11eb-ac37-4383f7709abe_story.html
The pandemic’s psychological toll on our children
By M-Live 02/15/2021 “…As the mother of a 15-year-old boy with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, she’s seeing her son’s frustration in not having face-to-face interactions with peers and his struggles to focus while learning from a screen. …” Read the entire article:
How Child Gender Influences Parental Behaviors
By Moms 01/23/2021 “… This is not to be taken lightly because mothers transfer their sexist attitudes to their children more strongly than fathers, according to a study from the University of the Basque Country. Researchers interviewed mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters about their views on gender roles. Sons and daughters were more likely to READ MORE
Impacts Of Divorce On Boys Vs. Girls, Differences Explained
By Moms 01/22/2021 “… Divorce can affect children in different ways depending on several factors, such as the child’s age, gender, and the circumstances of the divorce. …” Read the entire article:
Dogs May Be Good for Children’s Psychological Development
By The New York Times 07/07/2020 “… Compared to young children without dogs, those who had them were less likely to have conduct problems or problems relating to peers. …” Read the entire article:
Fathers and Sons — Why Boys Need Positive Role Models
By The Good Men Project 08/12/2020 “… As important as mothers, grandmothers, aunties, and female teachers are, boys need other positive male role models to guide and teach them how to be kind, thoughtful, and respectful men. …” Read the entire article:
Boys whose mothers suffer from depression while pregnant are more likely to be hyperactive and aggressive, study reveals
By Daily Mail 08/10/2020 “… Researchers from Canada also found that children are more likely to develop depression by age 18 if their mothers suffered from prenatal depression. …” Read the entire article:
Signs of depression in teenagers that caregivers should look out for
By WDVM 08/08/2020 “… According to the CDC, approximately 1.9 million teenagers have been diagnosed with depression. The pandemic may exacerbate depresson in teens and specialists say it’s important that parents can identify the signs. …” Read the entire article:
Women who use marijuana during pregnancy are nearly TWICE as likely to give birth to a child with autism, study suggests
By Daily Mail 08/10/2020 “… Pregnant women who smoke cannabis almost double the risk of their baby being born autistic, warns a new study. In the largest ever study of its kind, researchers found that children whose mothers reported using cannabis during pregnancy were at greater risk of autism. …” Read the entire article: