By Mary Anne Richey, M.Ed. – ADDitude 05/11/2020 “… Teen boys with ADHD have a hard road to travel as they take on more classes, harder assignments, an increasingly complex social environment, and a rapidly changing body. One of their biggest developmental tasks is to separate from parents. …” Read the entire article:
Category: Physical Health of Boys
Keeping teens home and away from friends during COVID-19
By Claire McCarthy – Harvard Health 04/14/2020 “… So just telling a teen to stay inside and away from friends isn’t always as easy as it seems. But during this pandemic, hanging out with friends can literally put lives at risk. …” Read the entire article:
‘Anyone popular at school has muscles’: the rise of the ripped teen
By Sally Williams – The Guardian 05/09/2020 “… Charlie, 13, starts his morning with 40 press-ups; William, 15, spends an hour a day working out. But when does a healthy interest become a dangerous obsession? …” Read the entire article:
Pediatricians don’t often discuss sexual health with teen males; new report can help
By Laura K. Grubb – AAP News 04/27/2020 “… The report aims to inform and empower pediatricians to feel comfortable asking about and providing guidance for sensitive issues, which can enhance the provider-patient relationship and improve overall care for adolescent males. …” Read the entire article:
What lockdown with my autistic son has taught me about life
By Chitra Ramaswamy – The Guardian 04/28/2020 “… And like many autistic people, my son struggles with change and chronology. So according to neurotypical reasoning, life under lockdown would be especially hard for him. This is why it’s a relief that the UK coronavirus rules have been relaxed for people with autism and learning disabilities, READ MORE
Male reproductive health problems could begin in womb
By Mirage News 04/23/2020 “… Disruptions to male babies’ development early during pregnancy could have a profound effect on a man’s future reproductive health, according to new research. …” Read the entire article:
55% of child coronavirus cases are BOYS, reveals CDC report – with up to one in five children who catch the illness needing hospital care
By Vanessa Chalmers – Daily Mail 04/06/2020 “… Fifty-five per cent of the 2,500 coronavirus cases in under-18s were boys, a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found. Forty-two per cent were girls, while the gender was unknown for another three per cent. …” Read the entire article:
Why autism disorder is more common in boys than girls?
By International Business Times 04/06/2020 “… Neuron offers clues to why autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is more common in boys than in girls, say researchers. They found that a single amino acid change in the “NLGN4″ gene, which has been linked to autism symptoms, may drive this difference in some cases. …” Read the entire READ MORE
COVID-19: Keeping their distance will help keep your kids healthy
By Cloe Logan – Surrey Now-Leader 03/22/2020 “… “At least our boys have each other to play with and they are really good friends.” He said all of the safety precautions, combined with activities that make kids feel hopeful, is the ideal way to approach isolation. …” Read the entire article:
HPV infections can be eliminated if both boys and girls are vaccinated
By ScienceDaily 03/12/2020 “… A Swedish-Finnish study published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases now shows that the most oncogenic HPV types can be eliminated, but only if both girls and boys are vaccinated. Both genders will be offered vaccination in Sweden as of 2020. …” Read the entire article: