Teen boys’ eating disorders may focus on muscles, not weight loss

By Lisa Rapaport – Reuters 06/05/2019 “…  Many people may mistakenly assume teen boys are not prone to eating disorders because their symptoms are different from what’s typically seen in girls and their focus is on building muscle rather than becoming impossibly thin, doctors warn. …” Read the entire article: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-boys-eating-disorders/teen-boys-eating-disorders-may-focus-on-muscles-not-weight-loss-idUSKCN1T62B5

Air pollution warning as scientists discover boys exposed to toxic air in the womb and throughout childhood may have worse memory

By Vanessa Chalmers – Daily Mail 05/23/2019   “… Boys who are exposed to pollution in the womb and childhood may have poorer thinking skills and working memory, scientists claim. …”  Read the entire article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7063533/Baby-boys-exposed-toxic-air-womb-worse-thinking-skills.html  

Heavy Teen Boys May Face Higher Heart Disease Risk as Adults

By Robert Preidt – U.S. News 05/20/2019 “… Just a few extra pounds during adolescence may translate into higher odds for heart disease in adulthood, a new study of young men suggests. …” Read the entire article: https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2019-05-20/heavy-teen-boys-may-face-higher-heart-disease-risk-as-adults

Focus on traumatized boys critical to gender equality, new research shows

By Colin Perkel – CTV News 05/20/2019 “… Boys in poor urban areas around the world are suffering even more than girls from violence, abuse and neglect, groundbreaking international research published on Monday suggests. …” Read the entire article: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/focus-on-traumatized-boys-critical-to-gender-equality-new-research-shows-1.4429757  

Boys’ suicides rose following release of ’13 Reasons Why’; third season prompts warnings for all families

By Melissa Patrick – NKyTribune 05/13/2019 “… The rate of suicide among 10- to 17-year-olds in the U.S. increased 29% in the months after the Netflix show “13 Reasons Why” was first telecast in March 2017, according to a federal study. …” Read the entire article: https://www.nkytribune.com/2019/05/boys-suicides-rose-following-release-of-13-reasons-why-third-season-prompts-warnings-for-all-families/

Defining health risk in children with obesity

By Louise A Baur – The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 04/02/2019 “… These children and adolescents are more likely to have a range of obesity-associated comorbidities, to experience weight stigma, and to seek treatment than normal weight peers. …” Read the entire article: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanchi/article/PIIS2352-4642(19)30107-5/fulltext?dgcid=raven_jbs_etoc_email

Male mental health: Why we need to talk about the boys

By Dan Masoliver – London Evening Standard 05/02/2019 “… Suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 45. Today, that disquieting statistic is repeated so often that it risks losing its impact. Yet is this the fate of today’s young men? Read the entire article: https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/wellness/mens-health-mental-health-investigation-oasis-academy-south-bank-students-a4132436.html