Why we need to educate teenagers about HPV and vaccines

By RTE 01/07/2021 “… Despite the majority listing the ‘news’ as their primary source of information, the survey found only 40% of participants believed boys should receive the HPV vaccine, with the majority (50%), indicating that they didn’t know…” Read the entire article: https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2021/0107/1188195-teenagers-hpv-vaccinations-sexual-health-cancer-education/

Struggling families say a lack of food makes home-learning difficult

By Phys.org 01/12/2021 “… Girls of all ages were more engaged and motivated than boys. This was most apparent in secondary schools where girls were more than twice as likely to be very engaged and very motivated in their home learning than boys…” Read the entire article: https://phys.org/news/2021-01-struggling-families-lack-food-home-learning.html

Gender stereotyping is harming young people’s mental health, finds UK report

By The Guardian 12/15/2020 “… In the home, a majority of parents recognise that there is a problem, with three-quarters saying people treat boys and girls differently from an early age. They are also seven times more likely to picture their sons working in construction and almost three times as likely to see their daughters READ MORE

Kindergarten Readiness, Later Health, and Social Costs

By Pediatrics 11/02/2020 “…Boys scored significantly lower on classroom engagement than girls…however, there were no sex-based differences in number knowledge or receptive vocabulary scores. Boys also had lower academic averages at the end of high school…” Read the entire article: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2020/10/29/peds.2020-0978

Why Parents Underestimate Boys’ Flexibility and Resiliency

By Ryan Wexelblatt – Additude 10/08/2020 “… Parents in general, and particularly parents of kids with ADHD, tend to grossly under-estimate their sons’ ability and willingness to push themselves out of their comfort zones, try new things, and demonstrate a level of cognitive flexibility. Here is why that happens, and what you can do to READ MORE

Boys Can Love Pink: A Revolution

By The Good Men Project 08/17/2020 “… A dear friend recently wrote to share her stress that her son wanted a pink backpack for school because boys can love pink, but society…well, you know. Her son’s a wonderful, mathematically and mechanically-inclined little boy. Nothing “princess” about him. …” Read the entire article: https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/boys-can-love-pink-a-revolution-kpkn/  

Northern Ireland’s class-based divide ‘harming educational prospects of boys’

By Belfast Telegraph 08/02/2020 “… Stormont Education Minister Peter Weir has appointed an expert panel to examine links between poorer academic outcomes and social deprivation. …” Read the entire article: https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/northern-irelands-class-based-divide-harming-educational-prospects-of-boys-39416667.html

A Study Finds Sex Differences in the Brain. Does It Matter?

By Wired 07/27/2020 “… Lise Eliot, a professor of neuroscience at Rosalind Franklin University, believes that sex differences in the prevalence of some disorders might be better explained by biases among doctors, or in the diagnostic criteria, rather than by biology. Proponents of sex difference research often note that boys are diagnosed with autism about READ MORE

A New Study Ties Anti-Bullying Laws to a Reduction in Suicide — but Boys Were Mostly Unaffected

By Kevin Mahnken – The 74 Million 06/10/2020 “…  Importantly, suicidal behavior seems to differ based on sex: While studies have shown that girls are more likely to experience depression and make suicide attempts, teen boys are nearly three times as likely to kill themselves as their female classmates are. …” Read the entire article: https://www.the74million.org/a-new-study-ties-anti-bullying-laws-to-a-reduction-in-suicide-but-boys-were-mostly-unaffected/