Big boys don’t cry. But sadbois do.

By Yannie Hoang – USC Annenberg Media 02/14/2020 “… Sadboi music appeals to young men of this generation because this popular, new trend allows them to openly express their emotions. However, sadboi music cannot function as a healthy, long-term solution. …” Read the entire article:

The study from the University of Queensland debunks the myth that boys or girls run in the family

By Kiersten Willis -The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 02/19/2020 “… Researchers from the University of Queensland have conducted a study published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. It analyzed of the population of Sweden since 1932 and debunked the myth that having all boys or all girls runs in the family. …” Read the READ MORE

‘Boys exhibiting inattention-hyperactivity at higher risk of traumatic brain injuries’

By Dev Discourse 02/20/2020 “… According to a new study led by researchers at McGill University, boys exhibiting inattention-hyperactivity at the age of ten have a higher risk for traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in adolescence and adulthood. …” Read the entire article:

Digital Dating Abuse: Many Teens, More Often Boys, Are Being Harassed Online By A Partner

By John Anderer – Study Finds 02/13/2020 “… Study author: “Girls may use more violence on their boyfriends to try to solve their relational problems, while boys may try to constrain their aggressive impulses when trying to negotiate discord with their girlfriends.” …” Read the entire article:  

Boys with an incarcerated family member more likely to have diabetes as adults

By Bradley A. White – Healio 02/08/2020 “… Odds of diabetes among those exposed to family member incarceration during childhood for men were 1.64 (95% CI, 1.27-2.11). There was no significant association observed for women. …” Read the entire article:

Highest High School Dropout Rates in Southern, Western US

By Ethics Daily 02/03/2020 “… While the nationwide status dropout rate has declined significantly over the past 40 years, notable disparities remain based on race / ethnicity, gender, country of birth and disability status. …” Read the entire article:

We need to talk about the boys

By Chris McGovern – The Conservative Woman 02/10/2020 “… These days, boys are rarely seen as being as deserving as girls when it comes to ‘care and attention’. We live in an age when victimhood status is conferred more readily on females than on males. …” Read the entire article:

How do we encourage boys to learn languages?

By Bobbie Mills – Tes 01/28/2020 “… Research published this week, by the Education Policy Institute (EPI), commissioned by the British Council, found that girls are more than twice as likely as boys to enter and secure a pass in a modern foreign language. …” Read the entire article:

I worry for my teenage boys – the beauty standards for young men are out of control

By Emma Beddington – The Guardian 01/28/2020 “… From men’s magazines to the chiselled gods of Love Island, boys are inundated with messages to both bulk up and moisturise. It all reminds me of my own youth, much of it wasted on bulimia. …” Read the entire article:  

How Strengthening Relationships with Boys Can Help Them Learn

By Deborah Farmer Kris – KQED 01/29/2020 “… To support boys in our classrooms, Reichert points to one robust, consistent finding from his 30 years of research: boys are relational learners. They learn best in the context of strong, supportive relationships. …” Read the entire article: