Defining health risk in children with obesity

By Louise A Baur – The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 04/02/2019 “… These children and adolescents are more likely to have a range of obesity-associated comorbidities, to experience weight stigma, and to seek treatment than normal weight peers. …” Read the entire article:

A major victory in the war on boys!

By Larry Kummer – Fabius Maximus 05/03/2019 “… Ms Anderson shows not a trace of sympathy for the boys who have fallen so far behind girls. Just glee that girls have moved on top of boys. The only graph shows girls’ superior scores over boys. …” Read the entire article:

Who can fathom why boys take their own lives? Here’s 13 Reasons Why

By Zac Seidler – The Sydney Morning Herald 03/02/2019 “… Male distress, on the other hand, is fundamentally misunderstood, mistreated and minimised. This is why we have boys taking their lives at staggering rates even after watching a show about a girl who may have completely different problems from their own. …” Read the entire READ MORE

Girls beat boys in a major test of tech and engineering skills—and the gap is growing

By Jenny Anderson – Quartz 05/01/2019 “…The report is yet more bad news for boys, who lag girls on nearly every measure of academic success, with massive gender gaps in reading as well graduation rates in high school and college. …” Read the entire article:

Male mental health: Why we need to talk about the boys

By Dan Masoliver – London Evening Standard 05/02/2019 “… Suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 45. Today, that disquieting statistic is repeated so often that it risks losing its impact. Yet is this the fate of today’s young men? Read the entire article:

Cepeda: Why boys need to get meaningful sex education — finally

By Mercury News on 4/29/2019 “… Recently, I had to comfort a student over a situation in which she and another girl were competing for the attention of a boy in their class. There were tears, drama, recriminations and some revenge fantasizing involving passionate language. They were 9-year-old third-graders. …” Read the entire article:

Video Games Don’t Hamper Boys’ Social Skills, Study Finds

By US News on 04/23/2019 “… They found that as a whole, children who were more adept and comfortable with socializing between ages 8 and 10 were less likely to spend time playing video games by the time they were 10, 11 or 12. …” Read the entire article:

What Today’s Boys Need to Learn to Truly Become Men

By Michael Reichert – Fatherly 04/10/2018 “…With masculine conventions still policed vigorously, most boys learn to keep their feelings private and to suppress and override them. …” Read the entire article: