A New Study Ties Anti-Bullying Laws to a Reduction in Suicide — but Boys Were Mostly Unaffected

By Kevin Mahnken – The 74 Million 06/10/2020 “…  Importantly, suicidal behavior seems to differ based on sex: While studies have shown that girls are more likely to experience depression and make suicide attempts, teen boys are nearly three times as likely to kill themselves as their female classmates are. …” Read the entire article: https://www.the74million.org/a-new-study-ties-anti-bullying-laws-to-a-reduction-in-suicide-but-boys-were-mostly-unaffected/

How to raise boys so they’re comfortable with their emotions

By Rebecca Ruiz – Social Good 06/02/2020 “… While most parents right now might be focused on surviving the coronavirus pandemic, perhaps relaxing some of their efforts to help their sons learn about and question traditional ideas of manhood, Barker says the crisis presents a perfect storm for boys and men. …” Read the entire READ MORE

The Growing Backlash Against Female-Only School Programs

By John Murawski – Real Clear Investigations 05/07/2020 “… The charges of anti-male discrimination may soon balloon as advocates expand their campaign to K-12 schools that receive federal funding and are subject to federal regulatory compliance and Title IX oversight. …” Read the entire article: https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2020/05/06/a_building_backlash_to_women-only_preferences_123481.html?fbclid=IwAR20HBQM5Js6GlLJKZWTzG_2O2ye8sZvq-cxMDTw4ioYEifyd-vxdEfBSpM

Some media reports and updates on my efforts to challenge Title IX violations

By Mark J. Perry – AEI 05/11/2020 “… Universities and school districts have been illegally violating the civil rights of boys and men with impunity for many decades because nobody until recently has challenged illegal single-sex programs. …” Read the entire article: https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/some-media-reports-and-updates-on-my-efforts-to-challenge-title-ix-violations/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2FmmMP+%28CARPE+DIEM%29  

Federal complaint against new girls-only STEM school in Lexington says it’s unfair to boys.

By Valarie Honeycutt Spears – Lexington Herald-Leader 05/11/2020 “… Federal Department of Education sex discrimination investigations have been opened on Fayette County Schools’ new all-girls elementary STEM program and four female-only STEM programs at the University of Kentucky following complaints from a Michigan professor. …” Read the entire article: https://www.kentucky.com/news/local/education/article242629341.html

‘Anyone popular at school has muscles’: the rise of the ripped teen

By Sally Williams – The Guardian 05/09/2020 “… Charlie, 13, starts his morning with 40 press-ups; William, 15, spends an hour a day working out. But when does a healthy interest become a dangerous obsession? …” Read the entire article: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/may/09/anyone-popular-at-school-has-muscles-the-rise-of-the-ripped-teen  

Family Instability Hits Boys Harder Than Girls and Has Double Poverty’s Influence on Childhood Aggression

By The Good Men Project 03/23/2020 “… Increasing family instability, caused by divorce and remarriage (as well as the formation and dissolution of cohabiting unions), is having a major influence on children’s social-emotional development, especially among boys, according to latest research. …” Read the entire article: https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/family-instability-hits-boys-harder-than-girls-and-has-double-povertys-influence-on-childhood-aggression/