UMass Study: Exposure To Household Chemicals Linked To Autistic Traits

By Karen Brown – New England Public Radio 02/24/2020 “… The study found that babies exposed in the womb to higher concentrations of those chemicals were more likely to develop autistic traits, like social impairment. But in the study of 600 children, the autism link was only present with boys — and it went away READ MORE

Sex trafficking affects males too, and a Denton charity wants to help

By Dallas Morning News 02/10/2020 “… In 2008, the Department of Justice studied commercial sexual exploitation of children in New York City. That report found 53.5% were male, 42% were female and 4.5% were transgender. The precise number of men and boys sold for sex is impossible to reach, but regardless how high the number READ MORE

School league tables: Boys behind girls for three decades

By BBC News 02/06/2020 “… Girls are now 14% more likely to pass English and maths GCSE than boys, with 64% of girls doing so and 56% of boys. Yet there is little national focus on the difference in results or measures addressing why boys lag behind. And campaigners and academics accuse consecutive governments of READ MORE

Boys with an incarcerated family member more likely to have diabetes as adults

By Bradley A. White – Healio 02/08/2020 “… Odds of diabetes among those exposed to family member incarceration during childhood for men were 1.64 (95% CI, 1.27-2.11). There was no significant association observed for women. …” Read the entire article:

We need to talk about the boys

By Chris McGovern – The Conservative Woman 02/10/2020 “… These days, boys are rarely seen as being as deserving as girls when it comes to ‘care and attention’. We live in an age when victimhood status is conferred more readily on females than on males. …” Read the entire article:

I worry for my teenage boys – the beauty standards for young men are out of control

By Emma Beddington – The Guardian 01/28/2020 “… From men’s magazines to the chiselled gods of Love Island, boys are inundated with messages to both bulk up and moisturise. It all reminds me of my own youth, much of it wasted on bulimia. …” Read the entire article:  

Boys needs special attention

By Paul Golding – Santa Fe New Mexican 02/02/2020 “… Because of their innate slower developmental timetable and because they suffer the vast majority of neurodevelopmental disorders, boys need to be carefully attended to in the preschool expansion process. …” Read the entire article:

A Tale of Two Charts

By Robert Franklin – Men’s E-News 01/21/2020 “… It’s a highly informative chart, particularly if one assumes, as the zeitgeist has it, that men are privileged and women oppressed.  If Perry’s chart is any indication, much the opposite is true.  Perry’s chart indicates that, if anything, it’s men and boys who need our attention and READ MORE

Healthy Men: Why do girls live longer than boys?

By Armin Brott – Medical Xpress 12/31/2019 “… The disparity between male and female death rates exists in every age group, from infants through age 19—and beyond. …” Read the entire article:  

Why I Wrote My New Novel, The Stone Boys

By Michael Gurian – Gurian Institute 11/04/2019 “… As far as I know, however, The Stone Boys is the first thriller that takes on the complexity of male sexual abuse, male trauma, and boys’ developmental crises in the way it does.  …” Read the entire article: