Single-sex male charter school moves forward on unanimous Charter School Advisory Board vote

By The Progressive Pulse 01/21/2021 “… The state board asked the school to explain how it will meet the standards to operate as a single-sex school to establish a record to show that the school had a justifiable reason for limiting student enrollment to a single sex. …” Read the entire article:

The Growing Backlash Against Female-Only School Programs

By John Murawski – Real Clear Investigations 05/07/2020 “… The charges of anti-male discrimination may soon balloon as advocates expand their campaign to K-12 schools that receive federal funding and are subject to federal regulatory compliance and Title IX oversight. …” Read the entire article:

Some media reports and updates on my efforts to challenge Title IX violations

By Mark J. Perry – AEI 05/11/2020 “… Universities and school districts have been illegally violating the civil rights of boys and men with impunity for many decades because nobody until recently has challenged illegal single-sex programs. …” Read the entire article:  

Federal complaint against new girls-only STEM school in Lexington says it’s unfair to boys.

By Valarie Honeycutt Spears – Lexington Herald-Leader 05/11/2020 “… Federal Department of Education sex discrimination investigations have been opened on Fayette County Schools’ new all-girls elementary STEM program and four female-only STEM programs at the University of Kentucky following complaints from a Michigan professor. …” Read the entire article:

Ohio State among universities targeted over bias against men

By Jennifer Smola – Canton Rep 02/20/2020 “… Ohio State University has adjusted gender specifications for a number of programs and scholarships after a complaint alleged they illegally discriminated against males. …” Read the entire article:  

The education gender gap

By Brett Herrmann – News Tribune 02/19/2019 “…About 78 percent of teachers, administrators and other school personnel are female in the state of Illinois, according to figures provided in the Illinois State Board of Education’s 2018 Annual Report. …” Read the entire article:

Significant gender gap in number completing college courses

By Carl O’Brien – The Irish Times 02/14/2019 “…High drop-out rates are a major issue for young men, especially those studying computing courses in institutes of technology. Almost 60 per cent of these students failed to complete these courses at ordinary degree or higher certificate level. ..” Read the entire article:

Men’s rights activists are attacking women’s scholarships and programs. The DOE is listening.

By NBC News on 12/14/2018 “… A men’s rights activist who has used federal complaints to target women-only scholarships and programs is now trying to start a national movement to end what he sees as discrimination against men. …” Read the entire article:

Nearly 300 Profs, Lawyers Sign Letter in Favor of New Title IX Regulations

By PJ Media on 12/05/2018 “… Organized by the Maryland nonprofit SAVE Services, the letter was unveiled by attorney Margaret Valois on Capitol Hill last Thursday, and was compiled to shatter the myth that strengthening due process in Title IX investigations will hurt women, especially survivors. …” Read the entire article:

Young black men are being railroaded by campus sexual assault claims (Campus Roundup Ep. 34)

By The College Fix on 11/26/2018 “… Young black men are being railroaded by campus sexual assault claims. One prominent journalist noted that while black men make up about 6 percent of college undergraduates they are “vastly overrepresented” when it comes to being wrongly accused of sexual assault. …” Read the entire article: