Unlock the World of Boys: Join the Building Boys Book Club led by #boymom and author Jennifer L. W. Fink

Raising boys is a journey filled with unexpected twists, boundless energy, and endless opportunities for growth and discovery. From navigating their emotional development to fostering their unique talents, every day brings new discoveries. If you’re a parent or educator walking this path, you know firsthand how valuable it is to connect with others who share READ MORE

The Vital Need for Unstructured Play: Proposed Legislation in Five States

In a move reflecting a growing recognition of the importance of unstructured play for children’s health and development, five states (Michigan, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina) are proposing legislation to guarantee recess time in schools and/or to stipulate when recess can be denied for behavior. This initiative comes as a response to a READ MORE

“For Every 100 Girls…” Data Project & Awareness Campaign

The Boys Initiative is excited to share the 2023 update of “For Every 100 Girls.”  This awareness campaign is contributing significantly to the broader conversation about gender equality and highlighting the importance of addressing issues faced by boys and young men in the United States. Created initially by TBI Board of Advisor member Tom Mortenson, READ MORE

New Legislation In California Guarantees Daily Recess For Children

California’s K-8 public school pupils are now guaranteed access to at least 30 minutes of recess on regular instruction days and at least 15 minutes on early release days, beginning with the 2024-25 school year.  Legislators in both the Senate and Assembly unanimously passed SB-291, a bill introduced this year by Senator Josh Newman, Chair READ MORE

“Building Boys: Raising Great Guys in a World that Misunderstands Males” by Jennifer L.W. Fink – Book Review

Available on Amazon In a world that misunderstands the needs of boys and young men, Jennifer L.W. Fink, a member of our TBI Board of Advisors, brilliantly advocates and champions for them in her new book, Building Boys: Raising Great Guys in a World that Misunderstands Males. Fink uses her two decades as a boy-mom, READ MORE