“Building Boys: Raising Great Guys in a World that Misunderstands Males” by Jennifer L.W. Fink – Book Review

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In a world that misunderstands the needs of boys and young men, Jennifer L.W. Fink, a member of our TBI Board of Advisors, brilliantly advocates and champions for them in her new book, Building Boys: Raising Great Guys in a World that Misunderstands Males. Fink uses her two decades as a boy-mom, blended with the newest research, to identify the problems facing boys and shares simple, common-sense solutions to help boys flourish.  Included are multiple relatable stories from other parents who are trying to raise compassionate and emotionally intelligent boys in a world that increasingly squashes their spirit and opportunity to thrive. For those who think there is no instruction manual for raising boys, think again. 

Fink addresses the strong societal messages surrounding our youth today as being focused on female empowerment, negating the fact our boys need an equal amount of encouragement and attention. In the quest to take care of our girls, Fink points out our boys are falling behind in nearly every aspect of society.

She asks the important questions: How do we raise confident and secure boys in a world that often paints masculinity in a negative light? How do we teach boys to consider each other’s needs when their own needs are so often ignored? How do we advocate for our sons when doing so was considered – in some quarters, anyway – an attempt to preserve male dominance? How do we help our boys navigate evolving gender norms while we adults are still unpacking the ways in which gender influences our lives?  

In 200 pages, Fink gives the answers by providing ten rules in ten chapters to help parents navigate their parenting choices and build mentally and emotionally strong boys who turn into kind, compassionate, and productive men. The author goes in depth on these rules which include items such as “Learn the Terrain,” and “Emphasize Emotional Intelligence,” among other wise directives.

Learn more about Fink’s 10 Rules for Building Boys on Amazon

With Fink’s book of instruction, the old adage, “easier said than done” does not apply.  Building Boys comes at an ideal time when our society has confounding gender norms that cater to the needs of girls while ignoring the needs of boys. This book is destined to become the go-to instruction manual for raising decent and emotionally intelligent boys.

Get Building Boys: Raising Great Guys in a World that Misunderstands Males now on Amazon!